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Private Lessons

Current Class Offerings (as of June 2017)

Beginner Bellydance

A fun and no fuss introduction/overview of fluid and percussive bellydance moves for new belly dancers.


Ideal for groups of friends, mother/daughter bonding, anyone looking for a no-pressure, non-competitive social activity that will get you out of the house, out of the office and out of the mundane -- moving and laughing and making new friends. And did we mention the dialogue you'll be having with your muscles?  


This class is also appropriate (with a doctor's release) for ladies who are on a healing journey while or after being treated for breast cancer. Positive body image execises and messages are gently infused into these classes from someone who's been there and back! Range of motion and manual lymphatic drainage techniques benefitting everyone are incorporated into warm-ups and cool-downs.


Each Beginner class has its own unique personality and vibe. New material is introduced each week during the 6 to 8-week session. Previous material is reviewed as time allows. As the classes progress, lessons on foundational posture will be followed with upper and lower body isolations, traveling steps and combinations.  


No experience needed. Students may repeat this class as many times as they like!


What to wear: Layered yoga clothes are great.  Socks or dance slippers/sandals (we're usually barefoot!)


What to bring: Water, class card or cash


What to leave: Your worries behind


What you get:  A syllabus and a new paradigm, and new cool moves and friends! 


When to arrive: a tad before class to change if necessary and warm up.


Where is this happening? 8125 Ainsworth Drive, Knoxville, TN 37909


Where to park: Ample street parking available


How long is a session? 8 weeks for INTRODUCTORY technique which may be repeated as many times as you like!


How long is each class? 1 hour


How much for each class?  $12/class if paid by the class (you still must be registered)

Please note: Class fees will be changing by the end of March...please stay tuned.


How much for a whole session? Using the Class-card system, pay up front for the entire session and save! You save $16.00 if you pay for the whole 8-class session the first night ($80.00). 


Can I make up a class if  I miss? There will be an extra class planned for those who purchased the class card but had to miss.   Card holders also have the option of carrying over into a new session.


Mondays - 7:35p.m.

Bellydance II/Choreography

Continuing with a review of basic material (ALWAYS!) and adding more,

The official ON-GOING session picks up June 19. Drilling isolations and traveling moves and turns, combinations will be taught to help fill your dancer's toolbox.  Minimum of Two Choreographies will be taught in next 2.5 months. Bring notebooks.

Please contact me:

No Drop-ins for choreography classes.






Private bellydance lessons with Sabylla available for beginning through intermediate level students.


Call or text 865-660-8773 to make an appointment.

Mondays @ 6:00p.m.

June 19,  26; July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 and August 7

$80.oo Full Payment 8 week Session

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